For all us marketers social media is a must and knowing which ones to use that give us the best ROI for our marketing spend can sometimes become a bit blurry. There are lots of new services coming online daily and many considered to be the next big thing, but keeping up and engaging with your existing networks can be a challenge in itself. Learning to use a new service is very time consuming and can be a total waste of time but if the site takes off the benefits can be huge.
There are still 8 networks from CMO's 2011 Guide to the social lanscape, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon and Flickr. This year for an unknown reason tumblr has been replaced by delicious but if you see last years guide tumblr still has it's benefits.
5 networks have been added to this years guide to the social networks from the good folks over at, they are in no particular order:
There are still 8 networks from CMO's 2011 Guide to the social lanscape, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon and Flickr. This year for an unknown reason tumblr has been replaced by delicious but if you see last years guide tumblr still has it's benefits.
5 networks have been added to this years guide to the social networks from the good folks over at, they are in no particular order:
- SlideShare - as the name suggests is a slide sharing service, share Powerpoint, PDF, Keynote or Open Office presentations in file format. Slideshare attracts around 58 million unique visitors a month.
- Google+ - is Google's latest venture into social media and the search giants competitor to Facebook. They recently announced it has over 100 million registered users and growing faster than Facebook did in the same time period since its launch.
- Quora - a question and answer service edited by its community of users.
- Instagram - a free photo sharing application currently only available on iOS, although the Android version is in private beta testing.
- Pinterest - the biggest social network of 2012 thus far, Pinterest is a content sharing service allowing users to Pin images and videos to virtual pinboards.
So here we have an infographic of the 14 hottest social networking sites and their ratings in 4 categories, customer communication, brand exposure, traffic to your site and SEO.